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Unconventional Advice From A 20-Year Business Owner

Written by Benjy Nichols | May 19, 2024 2:00:00 PM

For anyone poised to transition from employment to entrepreneurship, there's a realm within the real estate industry that offers both financial freedom and the prospect of pursuing one's passion full-time. It's called wholesale real estate, a business model that rewards individuals with a finder's fee for identifying and passing rundown properties onto investors.

The journey of a wholesaler isn't one shrouded in complexity or exclusive to those with extensive knowledge of the real estate market. It's a path that David Lecko and Ryan Haywood, hosts of a popular real estate podcast, believe can be simplified to its core essentials.

Starting in Wholesaling: Driving for Dollars

"Driving for Dollars" is a common initiation into the wholesaling realm. This entails physically scouting for, identifying, and cataloging rundown properties. Imagine doing this without today's technological conveniences, as it was the case two decades ago, when a hopeful wholesaler could only rely on pencil, paper, and a dedicated work ethic. David reflects on the cumbersome process before innovations such as 'DealMachine'—an app designed to streamline these activities—became available.

The initial strategy for many, just like our 20-year veteran, was a grassroots approach—sending postcards to owners of vacant or dilapidated properties. This method establishes a direct line to owners, possibly leading to a sale without engaging in high-stakes negotiation. It's the epitome of “less is more,” combining targeted communication with the wholesaler's keen eye to spot an untapped opportunity.

The Price-Setting Harmony in Wholesaling

The art of wholesaling often lacks the need for polished negotiation skills. To David's and Ryan's experience, motivated sellers with abandoned properties are willing to offer a price that works well for the investor seeking to renovate. A wholesale deal occurs when investors agree these properties merit investing owing to their below-market potential, and wholesalers—adept at understanding the market—set reasonable asking prices with enough room for renovation costs.

The Modern Wholesaler's Arsenal

While driving around neighborhoods is still a viable and cost-effective method, the industry has evolved. Wholesalers no longer need to be out on the streets for extensive hours. They've transitioned to using virtual tools ranging from software that helps with skip-tracing to platforms that handle mass outreach like direct mail campaigns, ringless voicemails and text-blast services.

Innovative marketers like Robert, a seasoned business owner, employ these tools to minimize effort and maximize reach. Wholesalers gather bulk contact information of property owners and automate their outreach through these channels. It’s a testament to how technology has reinvented strategies in the wholesaling landscape.

Networking: The Underrated Tool

Even in the digital age, the significance of networking can’t be overstated. Robert fondly recalls how his first significant profit—a cool $12,000—came from leveraging relationships within a real estate investment group. Attend, engage, and offer value in these meetings and the right deal just might come knocking.

The Unconventional Path: Marketing to the Masses

Straying from the well-trodden path, savvy wholesalers now avoid over-saturated lists such as absentee owners or foreclosures. Instead, they target everyone in a geographic area, playing the numbers game. It's a strategy hinged on the reality that most people, irrespective of income, live paycheck to paycheck and may welcome a financial lifeline, which sometimes appears in selling a property they no longer need or can afford to maintain.

Robert’s insight shifts conventional wisdom on targeted lists, showing that leveraging broader social and economic trends can expand a wholesaler's horizon beyond the commonly mined data.

Cold Calling: Script or No Script?

The divide on cold calling scripts is pronounced. While some prefer a structured approach, others, like Robert, advocate for a more personalized touch. He advises to call as if reaching out to a long-lost friend, blending in tonalities that resonate with sociability and warmth. In a business where relationships are paramount, being genuine can set one wholesaler apart from another.

Closing Thoughts for Aspiring Wholesalers

For newcomers eager to secure their first deal, taking the plunge into driving for dollars is still recommended. It's an inexpensive means to immerse oneself in the field. Beginners can quickly identify vacant houses, then utilize tools for skip tracing and reach out to owners through calls or texts. Aspiring to make it as simple as noticing if a house's lights have gone long untouched, anyone stepping into wholesaling can ensure the first deal is just around the corner.

Through the experiences of these industry veterans like David, Ryan, and Robert, there's a blueprint to follow: utilize technology, trust in one's knack for evaluating properties, nurture a network, and master the art of conversation. These core principles paint a less daunting picture of achieving success in wholesaling—demystifying a business that at first glance seems impenetrable.

Keeping in mind the pursuit of freedom and passion, the seemingly mundane act of spotting an uncared-for property, having that initial conversation, or launching a mass text can be the pivotal moment that launches a lucrative career in real estate investing.