Blog - DealMachine for Real Estate Investing

Top 3 Tips for Recording the Best AI Voicemails

Written by Samantha Ankney | Jul 28, 2024 1:16:00 PM

In the fast-paced world of real estate, staying ahead of the competition often means leveraging the latest technology to enhance your outreach efforts. If you’ve been following along, you know that we here at DealMachine recently released a key piece in innovating real estate technology.

DealMachine's AI-Powered Dialer is revolutionizing the way real estate professionals connect with potential leads by offering several unique features, but we will be covering one in particular today — AI-generated voicemails. Our cutting-edge tool not only provides real-time transcriptions and live sentiment analysis but also uses AI to generate voicemails that sound just like you, ensuring that every message feels personal and engaging.

A crucial step in utilizing this powerful tool effectively is creating high-quality sample recordings that the AI will use to learn your voice, tone, and cadence. By doing so, you can ensure that the voicemails generated by the AI are not only clear and professional but also warm, friendly, and authentically you. In this blog, we will share the top three tips for recording the best AI voicemails, helping you make the most of DealMachine’s AI-Powered Dialer and transform your real estate outreach strategy.

Tip 1: Speak Clearly and Naturally

When creating a sample recording, it's essential to speak clearly and naturally. The clarity of your voice ensures that the AI can accurately capture your speech patterns, tone, and pronunciation, which are critical for generating realistic and effective voicemails.

How to Achieve Clarity and Natural Pacing:

  1. Articulate Your Words: Take the time to pronounce each word clearly. Avoid mumbling or speaking too quickly. This will help the AI understand your speech better and replicate it accurately.
  2. Maintain a Steady Pace: Speak at a natural, conversational pace. Avoid speaking too fast, as this can make it difficult for the AI to catch the nuances of your voice. Conversely, speaking too slowly can make the voicemail sound unnatural. Find a comfortable speed that mimics how you usually talk in a real conversation.
  3. Stay Relaxed: Being relaxed while recording will help your voice sound natural and authentic. Take a few deep breaths before you start, and imagine you are speaking to a friend or a client to keep the tone conversational.
  4. Avoid Background Noise: Ensure that you are in a quiet environment with minimal background noise. Background sounds can interfere with the clarity of your recording, making it harder for the AI to learn your voice accurately.

By focusing on clarity and maintaining a natural pace, you set a strong foundation for the AI to generate voicemails that sound just like you. This attention to detail ensures that your messages are professional and engaging, making a positive impression on your leads.

Tip 2: Smile While You Speak

A simple yet effective way to make your AI-generated voicemails sound more engaging and friendly is to smile while you record your sample message. Smiling influences the tone of your voice, adding warmth and friendliness that can be easily detected by the listener. Not only is this tip valuable for AI voicemails, but it can also be applied to cold calling.

How Smiling Affects Your Tone:

  1. Creates a Positive Tone: Smiling naturally lifts your voice, making it sound more upbeat and positive. This can help in making your voicemails sound more welcoming and approachable, which is crucial in building rapport with your leads.
  2. Enhances Engagement: A friendly tone can significantly enhance the engagement level of your voicemails. Leads are more likely to respond positively to a message that sounds like it's coming from someone who is genuinely interested and enthusiastic.
  3. Conveys Confidence: Smiling can also convey confidence. When your voice sounds warm and assured, it instills trust and confidence in your leads, making them more likely to consider your message seriously.

Techniques to Incorporate Smiling into Your Recording:

  1. Practice Smiling While Talking: Before you start recording, practice speaking while smiling in front of a mirror. Notice how your voice changes and becomes more pleasant.
  2. Think of a Positive Experience: To maintain a genuine smile, think of a positive experience or a happy memory while recording. This can help keep your smile natural and consistent throughout the message.

By smiling while you speak, you can ensure that the AI captures the warmth and friendliness of your voice. This small adjustment can make a significant difference in how your voicemails are perceived, helping you create a more personal and engaging connection with your leads.

Tip 3: Use a Variety of Phrases and Include Specific Details

To ensure the AI-generated voicemails sound as authentic and personalized as possible, it’s crucial to include a variety of phrases and specific details in your sample recording. This helps the AI understand how you naturally speak, especially when mentioning numbers, addresses, and other critical information.

Importance of Including Specific Details:

  1. Numbers and Addresses: Including examples of numbers, addresses, and other specific details ensures the AI can accurately replicate your pronunciation and intonation for these elements. This is particularly important for real estate professionals who often mention property addresses and contact information.
  2. Varied Phrases: Using a range of phrases helps the AI learn your speaking style more comprehensively. Incorporate different types of sentences, such as questions, statements, and common expressions you use in your voicemails.
  3. Script Examples: Record your typical voicemail script exactly as you would say it. This gives the AI a clear template of your natural speech patterns, ensuring that the generated voicemails reflect your usual tone and style.

How to Include Specific Details in Your Recording:

  1. Mention Sample Numbers: Include a variety of numbers in your recording, such as phone numbers, street numbers, and zip codes. For example, "Please call me back at 123-456-7890" or "The property at 456 Elm Street."
  2. Include Addresses: Say a few different addresses as you would in a real voicemail. For example, "I'm calling about the property at 789 Maple Avenue."
  3. Use Your Voicemail Script: Record your standard voicemail script, ensuring it includes typical phrases and sentences you use. For example, "Hi, this is [Your Name] from [Your Company]. I'm calling about the property at [Address]. Please give me a call back at your earliest convenience at [Your Phone Number]. Thank you!"
  4. Natural Phrasing: Incorporate everyday phrases and expressions you use. For instance, "I look forward to hearing from you" or "Please reach out if you have any questions."

Bonus Tip: Upload Multiple Recordings

The more recordings the AI has to analyze, the more accurately it can replicate your voice. Providing multiple recordings gives the AI a broader understanding of your speaking patterns, tone, and intonation.

Why Multiple Recordings Matter:

  1. Increased Accuracy: With more data to analyze, the AI can better capture the subtleties of your voice, leading to more accurate and natural-sounding voicemails.
  2. Diverse Contexts: Different recordings can capture your voice in various contexts, such as formal and casual settings. This variety helps the AI generate voicemails that match the appropriate tone for different situations.

By providing multiple recordings, DealMachine’s AI-powered Dialer can generate voicemails that are not only accurate but also sound authentically like you, enhancing your outreach efforts and improving lead engagement. We recommend a minimum of 3 recordings to train the AI, but having 5 or more is even better.

How to Generate AI-Voicemails in DealMachine

Take a look at the video below on how you can set up AI voicemails in DealMachine.


In the competitive world of real estate, standing out and making meaningful connections with leads is crucial. DealMachine's AI-powered Dialer offers a groundbreaking solution with AI-generated voicemails that sound just like you, allowing you to maintain a personal touch while saving time and effort. By following these tips—speaking clearly and naturally, smiling while you speak, using a variety of phrases and specific details, and uploading multiple recordings—you can help the AI learn your voice more accurately and produce high-quality, engaging voicemails.

These strategies ensure that your messages are professional, personable, and reflective of your unique speaking style, enhancing your communication with leads and improving your chances of success. Embrace the power of AI with DealMachine’s AI-powered dialer and take your real estate outreach to the next level.