Real Estate Mastery with the Finance Cowboy Jaren Sustar

Real Estate Mastery with the Finance Cowboy Jaren Sustar

4 min max read

The Cost of Success

Anything worth having in life is accompanied by a cost. This principle is clearly echoed by the one-percenters—those who achieve extraordinary success by doing what 99% of people aren't willing to do. This unwavering commitment often requires delayed gratification. As Jaren Sustar, also known as the Finance Cowboy, highlighted in his discussion, anyone planning to achieve significant success must be prepared to delay gratification.

"I've interviewed hundreds of millionaires, and one of the same themes that I hear over and over and over and every interview I do is delayed gratification."

The Journey of the Finance Cowboy

From Humble Beginnings

Jaren Sustar's journey is nothing short of inspiring. Growing up with a pastor father in South Carolina, Jaren didn't have a silver-spoon upbringing. He graduated college saddled with $65,000 in student loans and a series of mounting debts, including a truck loan, a wedding ring, and credit cards. At 23, Jaren and his wife found themselves over $100,000 in debt.

The Turning Point

What set Jaren apart was his desire not to be ordinary. Over five years, from 2013 to 2018, Jaren and his wife aggressively paid off their bad debt. This period of financial discipline set the foundation for their future success.

Breaking Into Real Estate

By 2018, debt-free and with a disposable income, Jaren decided to invest in real estate. A friend who had become a multi-millionaire through property investment inspired him. Jaren's first real estate purchase in 2018 quickly grew into a rental portfolio of 21 properties by 2019. This rapid growth not only showcased the potential of real estate but also marked a significant transformation in Jaren's life.

Making Real Estate Accessible

Jaren's story is a testament that ordinary people can achieve extraordinary financial success through real estate. He emphasizes the potential for average working individuals to break into the real estate market by sharing his journey.

"If I can get into this real estate game, I promise you that anybody can."

Building the Foundation for Real Estate Success

The Importance of Community

One of the most crucial steps in Jaren's journey was surrounding himself with like-minded individuals who were already successful in real estate. This support system made the daunting task of entering the real estate market seem achievable.

Learning the Basics

Jaren advises aspiring investors to start by understanding the fundamentals:

  1. Identifying Markets: Choose the right markets to invest in.
  2. Generating Leads: Understanding the importance of consistent lead generation.
  3. Analyzing Deals: Learning how to assess whether a deal is good or not.
  4. Funding Purchases: Exploring creative ways to finance property investments.

Leveraging a W-2 Job

According to Jaren, there's no better time to invest in real estate than when you have a steady job. A W-2 job provides financial stability and makes you a more attractive borrower to lenders.

Deal Analysis: The Core of Real Estate Investment

Formula for Success

Jaren uses a simple yet effective formula to evaluate potential deals:

  • ARV (After Repair Value) x 70%
  • Subtract Rehab Costs
  • Determine the Purchase Price

This formula offers a solid starting point, although flexibility is key. It helps in distinguishing between a good deal today and a great investment for the future.

Importance of Conservative Estimates

Successful investors base their decisions on worst-case scenarios. Jaren stresses evaluating deals conservatively to ensure profitability even in less-than-ideal conditions. This is a great way to make sure that even if things go south, you'll still make a profit, and if they don't your profit will be even larger.

Balancing Life and Work

Juggling various responsibilities, including a full-time job, a family, and a real estate portfolio, requires strategic planning and team management. Jaren emphasizes the importance of prioritizing tasks and delegating responsibilities to team members.

"Understand what you're good at, what you enjoy doing, and spend your time doing that."

Structured Schedule

Maintaining control over one's schedule and prioritizing important activities—such as family time and personal development—is crucial. This approach enables a balance between work and personal life without sacrificing essential commitments.

Lessons from Sports: Discipline and Perseverance

Jaren's background as a Division 1 baseball player taught him discipline and the ability to handle failure—both critical traits for success in real estate. The routine and resilience developed through sports directly translated into his business endeavors.

The Timeless Value of Real Estate

Long-term Perspective

Jaren advocates for a long-term view on real estate investments. Historical data consistently shows that real estate values appreciate over time, making it a reliable vehicle for building wealth.

"Stop trying to time the market. It's more about time in the market."

Avoiding Reckless Investments

Success in real estate hinges on making sound investments. Jaren advises buying undervalued properties to create immediate equity and cash flow, ensuring that the asset appreciates in value over time.

Getting Involved

For those interested in learning more from Jaren Sustar, he is active on multiple social media platforms under the handle @FinanceCowboy. His website,, offers additional resources, including detailed courses on real estate analysis.

To conclude, Jaren's journey from a debt-laden individual to a successful real estate investor exemplifies the power of discipline, community, and strategic planning. His story serves as a source of inspiration for anyone looking to achieve financial freedom through real estate.

Samantha Ankney

About Samantha Ankney

Samantha is the Social Media Manager at DealMachine, where she oversees all social media strategies and content creation. With 3 years of experience at the company, she originally joined as a Media Specialist, leveraging her skills to enhance DealMachine's digital presence. Passionate about connecting with the community and driving engagement, Samantha is dedicated to sharing valuable insights and updates across all platforms.