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22-Year-Old Earns $112k in Real Estate Wholesaling

Written by Maria Tresvalles | Oct 17, 2024 12:45:00 PM

At just 22 years old, Armando Padilla has built a successful wholesale real estate business, raking in an impressive $112,000 in a single month. This is an amazing achievement. It is worth exploring the strategies and mindsets that helped him reach such heights.

Wholesaling 101

Wholesaling in real estate is a business model that involves finding rundown properties, getting them under contract, and then passing these contracts to investors for a lucrative finder's fee. It requires a keen eye for properties with potential and negotiating skills to secure the deals. Essentially, the wholesaler acts as a middleman connecting sellers looking to offload their properties quickly and investors searching for profitable opportunities.

An Unconventional Start

Armando’s journey began unconventionally. Before he launched his own business, he worked for a larger wholesaling company. This experience provided him with the foundation he needed—understanding the ins and outs of the industry. He emphasized that while the first three months were incredibly tough, with no deals closed, persistence and patience paid off.

"I went 91 days without a single dollar, but that one deal made it all worth it," Armando shared.

The Power of Proof of Concept

Making $8,000 on his first deal, Armando described it as a critical "proof of concept." This initial success solidified his belief in the industry and his capabilities within it. The key difference between the initial months and his subsequent success came down to understanding the industry's nuances. Knowing what to say, when to say it, and how to say it effectively played significant roles.

Communication is King

A large part of wholesaling involves talking to sellers, and how you communicate can make or break a deal. Armando highlighted the importance of transparency and honesty in dealings. He made it clear to sellers that while he is an investor looking to make a profit, he also aims to help them transition to the next phase in their lives.

Learning the Nuances

Armando recounted a recent potential deal where terminology almost caused a setback. Using phrases like "third-party interest" can raise unnecessary red flags with sellers. Such experiences taught him the critical importance of language and transparency.

Building a Team and Delegating

Armando is not alone in his efforts. He's built a team that supports the cold calling operations—a critical aspect of his lead generation. With three cold callers based in the Philippines contacting hundreds of leads per day and in-house acquisition agents, Armando has scaled his operations effectively.

Data-Driven Decisions

Another vital lesson Armando learned was the importance of high-quality data. Initially, he spent a significant amount on bad data, which was a costly mistake. Learning to source better data helped optimize his team's efforts and increased contact rates significantly.

Direct Mail: A Game Changer

Armando’s recent integration with DealMachine for direct mail marketing has proven to be transformative. Previously skeptical due to poor results from other services, he found DealMachine's results impressive. From a batch of 7800 postcards, he secured multiple appointments and deals, illustrating the efficacy of targeted direct mail.

“DealMachine's mailing service is so tailored to what we do. It’s so direct; you just click a button, and two to three days later, the mail is already delivered,” Armando noted.

Future Plans and Goals

As Armando continues to grow his business, he remains grounded in his objectives. His immediate goal is to establish a consistent revenue stream, aiming for a stable $75,000 to $80,000 monthly. This stability will allow him to explore other ventures and personal passions, such as cars and drifting—a testament to his drive and multifaceted ambitions.

Key Takeaways for Aspiring Wholesalers

  1. Persistence is Critical: The initial months are tough, but perseverance pays off.
  2. Learn from Experience: Working within the industry provides invaluable insights.
  3. Effective Communication: Honesty and transparency build trust with sellers.
  4. Build a Strong Team: Delegating tasks allows for scalability.
  5. Quality Data: Investing in good data streamlines operations and increases efficiency.
  6. Embrace Technology: Tools like DealMachine can significantly enhance marketing efforts.

For those looking to leave their 9-to-5 and venture into real estate wholesaling, Armando's journey offers a roadmap filled with practical insights and strategic advice. By adopting a persistent mindset, leveraging technology, and remaining transparent, aspiring wholesalers can navigate the challenges of the industry and achieve significant success.